Classroom Observation
Online access to classroom observation videos and resources for professional development
Ways to access our resources
Subscribe to our website for immediate access or license individual lessons. Find out more
Better resources. Better CPD
Video-based resources for staff training, when and where you need them. Deliver outstanding professional development opportunities for your teachers and staff with Mediamerge’s acclaimed lesson observations, evidence-based teaching series and a growing selection of supporting materials that are exclusively available to members.
Thousands of schools, training providers, ITT centres, and prominent government bodies trust Mediamerge resources to support teacher training and ongoing professional development.
Never be caught without materials for your next training session again.
Subscribe for unlimited access to all staff.
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All our resources are available to view with a 7-day free trial. Contact us for your free trial.
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Classroom Observations:
CPD Resources:
What do you get with all lesson observation memberships?
- Lesson observation videos: teacher’s introduction, lesson and teacher’s feedback. Want to see an example: Watch a free lesson
- Supporting materials: lesson plans and question prompts to get your CPD sessions started.
- Professional feedback: each lesson includes a written professional feedback focussed on the learning and teaching seen.
- Member exclusive content: all subscriptions give you access to additional members-only content.
- Unlimited access: subscription allows access to all staff + 50 remote user access (purchase of additional remote access is available).
- More content, one fee: as it is produced, new content will be added to the groups you have subscribed to at no additional cost.
- Instant access to primary, secondary, A-level & FE lesson observations.
For our unlimited access membership
- All of the above + all primary, secondary, A-level & FE lessons + Pathways to Outstanding resource (primary)
Watch others teach!
Remote access
All our subscriptions now allow you to give access to 50 remote users.
Your users will be able to access everything you have access to.
Don’t want users to view the downloads such as lesson feedback?
Let us know and we can restrict their access.
Do you need more than 50 remote users?
Not a problem. We can add any number of additional users for £5 (+VAT) per user.
Carly talks benefits
In this two minute interview, Carly from Aquinas College talks about the benefits of watching the pre-recorded lessons of other teachers. She says:
- with video, you can step back and see elements of lesson very clearly
- you can learn from watching teachers from any subject teach
- you can be more objective in your observation when not watching a colleague
- you can reflect on what others do and improve your own practice.

Evidence Based Teaching
The Evidence-Based Teacher’s Toolkit is a series of video-based resources where we take evidence about teaching and learning and make it more accessible to teachers. Like Evidence-Based Medicine, Evidence-Based Teaching uses methods which have been thoroughly tested and proven to be effective.
Video-based CPD material included in this collection are:
- The Top Ten Teaching Methods (video duration: 1 hour, 24 minutes)
- Learning Difficulties: Different Brains (video duration: 45 minutes)
- How Brains Learn (video duration: 1 hour, 22 minutes)
- EduWash – Myths & Fads to avoid in education (video duration: 49 minutes)
- Pupil Premium: Secrets to Success (video duration: 57 minutes)
- Learning from good lessons (primary) (video duration: 40 minutes)
Find out more or subscribe today for great value CPD.
Who is this for?
Schools & Colleges
For all staff for internal staff training purposes. Deliver exciting INSET sessions for your staff, use in inductions and recruitment.
Training providers & consultants
If you are a training provider (ITT) or consultancy delivering teacher training/development, please contact us for licensing fees.
School clusters, federations & trusts
School cluster, multi-academy trusts and federations may be entitled to discounts. Please contact us for further information.