Full access premium video CPD membership

Academic access to use for staff development: subscribe to all our content or buy a licence to use individual lessons.
There are currently over 100 video-based resources in this collection including lesson observations, evidence-based teaching resources, and expert insights. These can be accessed either with a subscription to this website or under a licence agreement.
The academic subscription is strictly for the purpose of internal staff development and training. You can use this subscription to train all staff members and it allows you to provide access to up to 50 remote users as standard.
The licence to individual videos can be used for internal and external purposes.
Contact us or use the live chat if you require further information.
Carly talks benefits
In this two minute interview, Carly from Aquinas College talks about the benefits of watching the pre-recorded lessons of other teachers. She says:
- with video, you can step back and see elements of lesson very clearly
- you can learn from watching teachers from any subject teaching
- you can be more objective in your observation when not watching a colleague
- you can reflect on what others do and improve your own practice
What do you get with a subscription?
All Lesson Observations
A large selection of professionally filmed lessons spanning Primary, Secondary, A-level and FE subjects. Each observation includes teacher introductions & reflection, lesson plans and Ofsted-based feedback reports.
Evidence-based Education
A set of films with supporting resources that take the evidence about teaching and learning and make it more accessible to teachers and learners. Presented by trainer Mike Bell and author Geoff Petty.
Expert insights
An expanding collection of interviews and resources from practitioners and experts on all aspects of teaching and learning plus the opportunity to be a film star and share your expertise with the community!
Who is this for?
An academic subscription is for those providing training and professional development for staff within their organisation. Even if you are a commercial organisation and want to train your own staff, you can use an academic subscription. A subscription is non-transferable and applies to ONE establishment/site. If a partner establishment or additional campus/branch wishes to use the resources for their own CPD, they must purchase their own subscription.
If you are using the resources to train students or other customers that generate revenue such as PGCE, you must use a commercial subscription.
A licence to individual lessons/resources can be used by commercial and non-commercial organisations.

Pricing and access options
Option 1
Purchase a subscription
- Access all our resources
- Get 50 remote user access
Best suited for
- If you want immediate access to all available resources
- If you want to receive all new resources upon release
£499 + VAT per year
Includes access for 50 remote users
Additional remote users
- Costs £5 per additional user (+VAT).
Option 2
Licence individual lessons
- Buy a licence for individual lessons and embed them on your password-protected website or request them as links.
Best suited for
- If you only need specific lessons or videos
- If you would like to embed videos within your website or learning platform
- Use as part of interview / recruitment processes where sample lessons are required
- Large number of users making licensing a cheaper option
- You want to use videos independently from supporting resources
- You want shorter term access to specific resources
Licence cost per lesson:
- 3 month licence: £75 +VAT
- 6 month licence: £130 + VAT
- 1 year licence: £200 + VAT
Just a few of our customers